
🌟 啟航創新之旅:「教師創新教學」與「跨域富學社群」計畫!🌟 Transform Your Teaching: Join NTHU's Exclusive Grants for Innovation & Interdisciplinary Collaboration! 🌟



📣 特別邀請:加入我們的線上說明會!📣
- 報名網址:https://forms.gle/EbQkEFfU8NQ7sTNp7
- 日期與時間:112年12月5日(星期二)中午12:30
- 通過Google Meet加入我們:https://meet.google.com/fnh-jubf-iyi

🌈 讓我們一起踏上充滿活力和創新的教學之旅!您的參與不僅是提升教學方法的一步,更是塑造清華大學未來教育的一大步。

教學發展中心 敬上
分機:(03)571-5131 ext.35054

Hello Visionary Educators of NTHU,

Imagine a classroom where boundaries blur, ideas flourish, and learning transcends traditional norms. We're making this vision a reality, and you're invited to be a part of it! I'm excited to announce the upcoming application period for our pioneering "Grant for Interdisciplinary Teachers' Community" and the "Grant for Innovative Teaching."

Why Should You Be Excited?
- Innovate & Collaborate: These grants are your canvas to paint a new future of teaching.
-  Online Briefing: This semester, we're going digital! Join our online briefing to deep-dive into the program nuances - all from the comfort of your space.
- Amplify Your Impact: Learn how these grants can elevate your teaching methods and student engagement.

🚀 Register Now for an Enlightening Journey! 🚀
- Registration Link: https://forms.gle/EbQkEFfU8NQ7sTNp7
- Date & Time: December 05, 2023 (Tuesday), 12:30 PM
- Venue: Virtually Everywhere! Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/fnh-jubf-iyi

Together, let's redefine what's possible in the realm of teaching. We can't wait to see the innovative sparks you'll bring and the vibrant teaching landscapes we'll create together!
Should you have any queries or need further insights, feel free to reach out. Your innovative spirit is the key to unlocking a new era of educational excellence.

Together, Let's Shape the Future of Education! 🌈🎓
Looking forward to pioneering with you,

Ms. Chien-Yu Cheng,
Research Assistant, NTHU
Phone: (03)571-5131 ext.35054 
Email: chienyu@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
